Sunday, May 4, 2014

Signs of Peace

I arrived at the college parking lot and as I was walking to the auditorium where I would be playing with a 120 piece orchestra, I heard above me in a tree, the cooing of a dove. I love the sound of the dove, it brings peace. In the orchestra we would be playing a variety of music from The sound of music" to the "Marches from Star Wars". It is beautiful to hear all the instruments playing together in their different tones and expressions and yet I remember the sound of that dove most of all. In our churches we sing and clap and dance to the praise music, there is a time for excitement, but I also I like the soft, tender music and I think the LORD likes this too. After the stirring performance of the orchestra, I walked to the car in a gentle breeze. As I was sitting in the car, I glanced up to a tree and saw the leaves and limbs dancing in the wind. This too gave me peace. The presence of the Spirit of God; the dove and the spirit (wind). I must have the presence of God in my life and these were gentle reminders to me. I was able to play my musical instrument with skill because he is with me. Without the Holy Spirit we are as dead people. With him we live forever and with life more abundant.

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