Tuesday, February 2, 2021

The Crowd is Wrong

Exo 23:1  "You are not to spread a false report, nor are you to join forces with the wicked to be a malicious witness. 

Exo 23:2  You are not to follow the majority in doing wrong, and you are not to testify in a lawsuit so as to follow the majority and pervert justice. 

1Co 15:33  Stop being deceived: "Wicked friends lead to evil ends." 

Choose your friends wisely. We are to oppose the crowd if they are morally wrong. The church has been silent in the past instead of standing up for what is right. If we go along with the crowd, then we are guilty with them. Be careful who you watch, who you share with and where you get your news.

Our past president will be in an impeachment trial, and knowing him, he will speak the truth even if the majority is against him. One thing that happens is the majority will try to silence those who see things differently. Our nation has laws permitting free speech, the free exchange of ideas, but it is getting to where we can only say what those in power say that is the truth. The constitution of the United States should be our truth. The Bible should be the judge of what is right and wrong. Without submitting to these then their is tyranny. We no longer are a republic, a democracy or a free people.

Eaglewings Ministries

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