Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Life and breath of a Robin

Job 33:4 The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.

This morning we heard a loud thud on our picture window. I opened the door to take a look. Laying in the grass was a Robin that had been feeding on the Holly berries. Apparently the berries made the robin a drunk flier, now she lay gasping for breath. Her breast moved rapidly in and out, in and out. I looked at the bird upside down, eyes closed, feet off the side tangled in tall grass. This bird is like me! No, not drunk, but it has breath and is gasping for air to remain alive. We both share the breath of life given to us by the LORD God, our creator. The difference is that I was given a living soul and am created to be in the image of God.

Gen 1:26  And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: ...

Gen 2:7  And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

My relationship to Jesus has restored me to my creator. Jesus has made my spirit alive, quickened by the presence of His Holy Spirit. I will live forever; but, what of this Robin? Her short life seemed in a desperate place; hanging between life and death. Will a cat get her? There are always cats in the yard since I put up a bird feeder.
In a few minutes the Robin turned over and was standing on her spindly legs. She was still in a bad way. I remembered that the park has a wildlife refuge, where injured animals and birds are nursed back to life. My wife gave them a call and spoke into an answering machine. About fifteen minutes later she answered the phone to speak to one of the people at the refuge. Is it's wing hanging down, yes, I remember that a wing was draped just like Randy the injured goose at the park. Can you catch it? Let me see. I went to where the Robin was and it was gone. No feathers, so I think it recovered and flew away. Later in the day as I gathered wood for the fireplace I saw a Robin hopping where the Robin landed under the window. It saw me and jumped onto the porch. As I approached the door it flew a low flight into a Loquat tree. If that was the same Robin, then it can fly. Maybe she was sent back to show me she was okay? I can still see the red breast of that Robin as it pumped for air. Without breath there is death. With breath we can still live and breath and praise our LORD.

Psa 150:6 Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.

Let's not give up on people who need the LORD. Some are drunken as this Robin was, but where there is life there is hope. Let's not give up on life because of fear or affliction. Check your breath. If God's Spirit is in you, you are alive forever more!

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