Friday, October 7, 2022

Right and Wrong

 It seems that everyone is demanding their rights. The highest standard for rights seems to be human rights. Animal rights people may disagree with that. Is abortion a right? Many argue that it is. Listen now if you will. There are true rights and wrongs. Just as there is one God and the devil.  When we allow what the devil considers right to be a right, then we open up darkness and confusion. The devil seeks to kill and to destroy. He is a liar and the father of lies.  God is all good just and righteous. What God says is good in the Holy Bible is good. His right is right indeed. In the last days on earth, what is evil is being being called good and what is good is being called evil. 

Isa 5:20  Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! 

 A recent facebook post said the best of two 

worlds is to sin and to not feel it is wrong. When we lose our feelings for what is wrong, then how shall we know what is right?

David after being convicted of the sin of adultery with Bathsheba, he called out to God in Psalm 51.

Psa 51:1  To the director: A song of David written when Nathan the prophet came to him after David's sin with Bathsheba. God, be merciful to me because of your faithful love. Because of your great compassion, erase all the wrongs I have done. 

Psa 51:2  Scrub away my guilt. Wash me clean from my sin. 

Psa 51:3  I know I have done wrong. I remember that sin all the time. 

Psa 51:4  I did what you said is wrong. You are the one I have sinned against. I say this so that people will know that I am wrong and you are right. What you decided is fair. 

Hear this now. The devil does not care about you. He wants you to sin and be in hell. God loves you. He cares about your soul. He even gave his son to die in your place for the sins that you are sorry for.The right way is to the cross where God offers you a new life in him. The wrong way is to follow the devil into eternal remorse. God will forgive you if you are truly sorry for wrongs. Do what is right and allow God to receive you and to change your heart.

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