Saturday, August 10, 2024

Susie's Testimony and letter

 A few weeks before his passing I visited my oldest brother  in the hospital.  In my hand I had an unopened letter for my brother from Susy.  He did not know Susy but I did . She came to me in an Internet Christian chat room at two in the morning.  I was aware of her  rebellion and bad behavior. I and many others had talked to her to come to God through Jesus for a new life. God was reaching her heart and she asked me to help her,  That night at two AM she gave her life to Jesus. This is her testimony, and then we will talk about her letter to my brother. My name is Mr B

I pray God shines in your life in 2006 as he most definitely shines in mine.
That's where my screen name came from susy shines. God has been so good to me, I fooled around a long time before I trusted the lord. I was an atheist 25 yrs married to a Christian all them years, raised 7 children in a Christian home and I never knew the Lord....fooled a lot of people but i didn't fool the Lord ....

The last few years have been total hell. I was a computer whore. I had cyber sex with any bisexual man that needed me talk dirty to him; also enjoyed being with cross dressers. My husband knew that I cyber with men see I thought it was a game. My husband asked me to quit doing it so that meant now I had to hide it, which started all the lies. I cant believe I'm telling you all this but i want you to see how God has worked in my life.

December 25, 2004 is the day I started getting sick. By February I had pneumonia 3 times. The doctor found out my heart was growing with copd, sugar diabetes I was really sick. June I had my first heart attack. By then I was out of cyber sex. I started going into Christian chat rooms I told them all what I thought about being a Christian; I would never be one. I gotta booted all the time. After awhile, they booted me as soon as I came in, I didn't even have to talk. Everyday savedthrufaith would tell me something about jesus. Everyday I said I'll think about it; he said ok. He sent me every verse in the bible, I bet. Then Sunday Oct 23, 2005, this guy I was talking to in chat got suspended, so he IM'd me. He said if you want to talk in a chat room, I'll make a room. So he did and the stuff he was telling me broke my heart.

The next day was Monday, I cried all day. When my husband came home, I was still crying. He said God was working on me. October 25, 2005 2:03 am, Mr B led me to the lord.

My life now is soooo different, been saved now 9 weeks 6 days. I have read almost the whole Bible. I'm a prayer warrior, my prayer list is longer then my buddy list. That's how you pray without ceasing, get a big list it will take all day to pray. God has answered a lot of my prayers. I use to be afraid to pray but God took his hand and put words in Jeremiah's mouth and he has to me too. I pray they are not my words, I'm nothing, but with God nothing is impossible.

I even have thoughts now that I believe come from God. Oh, I forgot to tell you that last week I went for my ekg to measure my heart. The doctor said it looks like my heart stopped growing 2 months ago. He said meds are working. I been saved 9 weeks. How many months is that ???? You figure it out...I already did ...PRAISE GOD!

Well this was and is my life God loves you and so do I.  susy

For several years Susy grew in the Lord sharing Bible verses with pictures and she was an encourager. God would often use her to encourage others. When she heard about my oldest brother she sent me a letter to be given unopened to him.  I am sure it was God speaking encouragement to him.  Susy died in 2022.  I trust that they are now with Christ Jesus in heaven,  She did nothing to receive mercy and grace. Jesus has paid the price we repent and believe.

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