Tuesday, October 6, 2020

A Prophets Dark Words

Micah 7:1  I am upset because I am like fruit that has been gathered, like grapes that have already been picked. There are no grapes left to eat. There are none of the early figs that I love. 

Micah 7:2  By this I mean that all the faithful people are gone. There are no good people left. Everyone is planning to kill someone. Everyone is trying to trap their brother. 

Micah 7:3  People are good at doing bad things with both hands. Officials ask for bribes. Judges take money to change their decisions in court. "Important leaders" do whatever they want to do. 

Micah 7:4  Even the best of them is as crooked as a tangled thornbush. Your prophets said this day would come, and the day of your watchmen has come. Now you will be punished. Now you will be confused! 

Micah 7:5  Don't trust your neighbor or trust a friend! Don't even speak freely with your wife. 

Micah 7:6  Your enemies will be the people in your own house. A son will not honor his father. A daughter will turn against her mother. A daughter-in-law will turn against her mother-in-law. 

Micah 7:7  So I will look to the LORD for help. I will wait for God to save me. My God will hear me. 

Seeing in the darkness what is wrong takes the light of God. If we see the bad and do not like it, then we can come out of it to the light of God and make a difference. There is an election coming up that will decide what America will be like in the future. People see America as a land of freedom and opportunity. The founders of our nation believed in God and sought him for direction. If the nation turns completely away from God, then evil will grow in our government and our great nation will fall into darkness. Do not let this happen vote for life and justice. Let's not let the deep state sink us. (I approve of this message.) I have freedom to express the word and my thoughts. Let's keep our freedoms.

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